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Rekrutmen Digital Transformation Office KEMENKES RI 2023

Rekrutmen Digital Transformation Office KEMENKES RI 2023 - DTO (Digital Transformation Office) merupakan tim Transformasi Digital Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dengan visi untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih sehat melalui pengembangan produk kesehatan digital terintegrasi yang fokus kepada pengguna (user-oriented) dan pengambilan kebijakan yang berbasis data (data-driven policy). Talenta dari berbagai industri digital, startup, unicorn company, NGO saat ini sudah bergabung dalam tim DTO.
Logo Rekrutmen Digital Transformation Office KEMENKES RI 2023

DTO memiliki 3 program utama, yaitu:
  1. Satu Data Kesehatan Berbasis Individu. Mewujudkan integrasi big data kesehatan berbasis individu
  2. Simplifikasi Layanan Kesehatan. Menciptakan sistem kesehatan yang efisien dan terintegrasi yang berfokus kepada pengguna (user-centered design)
  3. Penguatan Ekosistem Digital Kesehatan. Menciptakan ekosistem inovasi kesehatan berbasis teknologi 4.0 (AI, Blockchain, IOT, dan berbagai teknologi lainnya)

Rekrutmen Digital Transformation Office KEMENKES RI 2023

Mengutip informasi dari website resmi ( pada (19/02) bahwa saat ini, Digital Transformation Office KEMENKES RI sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi para putra putri generasi penerus bangsa yang memiliki semangat dan komitmen yang tinggi dalam bekerja serta memenuhi syarat untuk menempati 15 (Lima belas) posisi yang dibuka. Berikut informasi selengkapnya. 

1. Health IT Officer

Responsibilities :
  • Manage Postman Collection for SATUSEHAT 
  • Develop integration documents/playbook as a guideline for health information systems to connect with SATUSEHAT
  • Develop training material for integration to SATUSEHAT
  • Trainer for SATUSEHAT integration  
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree qualification, preferably from technology information or medical background or equivalent 
  • Have experience in health informatics or related field
  • Understand the concept of interoperability in healthcare  
  • Have understanding and experience about health exchange protocol standard HL7 FHIR is preferred 
  • Have excellent communication skills

2. Health Data Specialist

Responsibilities :
  • Lead FHIR & Terminology Translation Team 
  • Coordinate with other team and stakeholders for variable requirement which will be integrated to SATUSEHAT
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree qualification, preferably from medical background or equivalent 
  • Have experience in healthcare service flow
  • Have experience working in healthcare facilities is preferred
  • Understand the concept of interoperability in healthcare 
  • Have understanding and experience about health exchange protocol standard HL7 FHIR and international terminology standard is preferred 
  • Have proven experience on leading a team and project management 
  • Well versed in stakeholder management with excellent communication skills 

3. Health Data Officer

Responsibilities :
  • Map variables/data elements to its related FHIR resource and terminology standard
  • Develop integration documents/playbook as a guideline for health information systems to connect with SATUSEHAT
  • Develop training material for integration to SATUSEHAT
  • Trainer for SATUSEHAT integration 
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree qualification, preferably from medical background or equivalent 
  • Have experience in healthcare service flow
  • Have experience working in healthcare facilities is preferred
  • Understand the concept of interoperability in healthcare 
  • Have understanding and experience about health exchange protocol standard HL7 FHIR and international terminology standard is preferred 
  • Well versed in stakeholder management with excellent communication skills 

4. Terminology Specialist

Responsibilities :
  • Lead Terminology Team 
  • Manage the life cycle of terminology standard
  • Engage with stakeholder for terminology standard management 
  • Conduct socialization and training for terminology standard 
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree qualification, preferably from medical background or equivalent 
  • Have understanding and experience about international terminology standard is preferred 
  • Have understanding about health information systems and the importance of accurate and consistent data 
  • Have understanding to manage terminology standard 
  • Have proven experience on leading a team and project management 
  • Well versed in stakeholder management with excellent communication skills  

5. Terminology Officer

Responsibilities :
  • Manage the life cycle of terminology standard
  • Engage with stakeholder for terminology standard management 
  • Conduct socialization and training for terminology standard
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree qualification, preferably from medical background or equivalent 
  • Have understanding and experience about international terminology standard is preferred 
  • Have understanding about health information systems and the importance of accurate and consistent data 
  • Have understanding to manage terminology standard 
  • Well versed in stakeholder management with excellent communication skills  

6. Service Delivery Specialist

Responsibilities :
  • Minimum Bachelor's degree from tertiaryinstitutions, both domestic and foreign, majoring in Economics/Banking/BusinessAdministration Engineering
  • The highest value of similar work in the last 3(three) years
  • Have general work experience of 3 (three) years
  • Experience as a project leader, especially inIT/Data/Health
  • Experience managing cross-functional and virtualteams across multiple locations, and cultures
  • Can demonstrate complex problem-solving and havegood communication skills and quickly understand complex topics of discussionwith the audience
  • Can demonstrate skills as a consultant, onChange Management Concepts and strategies
  • Have good Interpersonal Skills, including skillsto build relationships across organizational levels
  • Can demonstrate skills as a technical writer;detail-oriented, and a commitment to high levels of accuracy
  • Able to work with minimum supervision with highorganizational skills
  • Experience managing cross-functional and virtualteams across locations, cultures and teams
Requirements :
  • Create a strategy for developing the quality ofthe service delivery team, including SOP and SLA for each project, maintainclear communication and maintain stakeholder expectations for each strategicproject
  • Create and assist vendor and technologyevaluation and assessment processes from partners or third parties, finalizeRFP documents (if needed)
  • Be accountable for the entire delivery processfor each large-scale data initiative across departments, locations andfunctions
  • Collaborate effectively across stakeholders bothinternal teams (data science, business intelligence, and data governance) andexternal teams (all tribes and other Stakeholders) and from across levels(working-teams, and/or senior management)
  • Resilient, flexible and resourceful at work
  • Leading strategic projects, fixing issues,monitoring progress, tracking KPIs and assisting budgeting management
  • Carry out other matters necessary to support thework of the Head of Tribe, Chief Operation Officer (COO), and Chief

7. Data Quality Engineer

Responsibilities :
  • Work as a bridge between engineers, dataengineers, and data analysts to ensure high quality data is produced
  • Tracking, monitoring, and documenting theresults of testing and data quality audits
  • Help develop and improve ETL processesespecially in the area of Data Quality
  • Conduct research on available data quality toolsand use and implement them to improve data quality
  • Participate in technical reviews and providedetailed feedback to improve process efficiency
  • Carry out other things necessary to support thework of the Data Engineering Manager, Head of Data Engineering and Chief DataOfficer
  • Make monthly administrative reports ofactivities carried out as a basis for monthly fee payments
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree education frominstitutions, both domestic and foreign majoring in ComputerScience/Information Engineering/Information Systems
  • Have experience in participating incertification/training/workshop/bootcamp in the field of data/technology
  • Have good and effective communication skills
  • Able to coordinate, manage time, makepriorities, and multi tasking

8. Data Analyst

Responsibilities :
  • Analyzing basic health data using queries toadvanced analysis using programming languages or data processing tools
  • Make dashboard display designs and data reportsfor the needs of programs
  • Creating dashboards using business intelligencetools, including Tableau, and/or other tools, including using programminglanguages such as Python
  • Carry out supervision or maintenance of thedashboard, which includes the suitability of the data and the process ofupdating the data
  • Carry out other things necessary to support thework of the Data Analytics Manager, Head of Data Analytics, Chief Data Officer(CDO), Deputy Chief, and Chief
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree education from anaccredited institution both domestically and abroad in the major in informationsystems/information engineering/management or other relevant majors
  • Have a minimum of 4 years work experience in thefield of technology, as evidenced by a work contract or work certificate
  • Have experience of a similar type at least 1(one) time in a related field in a government or private agency engaged intechnological development, which can be proven by a contract or workcertificate
  • Have SQL, Business Intelligence Dashboarding,and Python expertise as evidenced by a training or competency certificate
  • Have experience creating dashboards and reportsusing business intelligence tools, including Tableau, as evidenced by aportfolio in previous projects
  • Have proficiency in English, which can be provenby a training certificate or TOEFL

9. Data Engineer

Responsibilities :
  • Coordinate, analyze and implement ongoing projects in the DataEngineer team to support the Ministry of Health's Data Transformation Office(DTO) Vision
  • Design and build a strategy to ensure the data warehouse has highdata quality and is easy to understand
  • Creating and managing system documentation and data platformarchitecture used for data transformation
  • Carry out initiatives to ensure the data warehouse system meetsthe specified Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Service Level Objective (SLO)
  • Become a mentor on the data engineering team to improve other dataengineer skills such as (but not limited to) becoming a subject matter expertdata model
  • Carry outother things needed to support the work of the Data Engineering Manager, Headof Data Engineering and Chief Data Officer (CDO)
Requirements :
  • Minimum Bachelor Degreeeducation from institutions, both domestic and foreign majoring in ComputerScience/Information Engineering/Information Systems
  • Have a minimum of 4years professional work experience in data engineering or other similar work
  • Have at least 1 (one)similar experience that has methodological similarities in government orprivate agencies in the field of information technology development
  • Have knowledge andexperience in doing data modeling for data warehouse
  • Have programming skillsand experience to perform data processing
  • Having knowledge andexperience in implementing Data Warehouse development
  • Having expertise orknowledge related to doing data analysis using a cloud data warehouse or clouddata processing
  • Have expertise orknowledge related to Cloud Big Data and the basics of machine learning

10. Software Engineer, Frontend

Responsibilities :
  • Build and design the frontend system of an application/feature
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of the UI/UX design
  • Guarantee all user input is validated and sent to the backend
  • Overcome various bugs and errors that occur in the application from the frontend side
  • Implement appropriate frontend development principles (best practices) and ensure that the frontend can run well on multiple devices
  • Perform maintenance or upgrade of existing frontend applications
  • Support development cycle (concept, design, test, release, operational)
  • Work with a team to be able to continue to innovate in terms of improving the quality and performance of the application system
  • Collaborate with Infra Team and Technical Team specializing in DevOps, Backend, QA, System Analyst/Product Manager, and UI/UX Designer
  • Contribute to assisting the creation of technical documentation or manuals
Requirements ;
  • Minimum S1 qualification, preferably from Computer Science or equivalent
  • Mastering the concept of OOP and/or functional programming
  • Mastering solid concepts and fundamentals related to JavaScript from ES5 to the latest
  • Understand the concepts of DOM, VirtualDOM, HoC, Promise, Async/Await, Event Delegation, and Event Bubbling
  • Mastering the concept of UI/UX Design Pattern and Responsive Design on Web platforms
  • Familiar with using Code Repository Management such as Git/Gitlab
  • Understand the use of HTML tags according to best practices
  • Have the ability to develop nicely in the scripting language JavaScript or TypeScript
  • Have the ability to style using CSS/Less/Sass/Stylus well
  • Have the ability to develop using Bootstrap/Tailwind/Vuetify/MUI/Framework7/Ant Design
  • Have the ability to develop well using ReactJS, NextJS/Gatsby, and other ReactJS-based libraries/frameworks
  • Have the ability to develop well using VueJS, NuxtJS/Gridsome, and other VueJS-based libraries/frameworks
  • Good understanding of concepts, basics, and how to use one or several types of Web Services/APIs, especially ReST
  • Mastering concepts, basics, and how to use GraphQL/gRPC/Socket.IO is a plus
  • Understand or have done development in the NodeJS environment; for example, using ExpressJS is a plus
  • Understand, understanding, or having done testing related to frontend applications (Jest/Mocha/Cypress) is a plus
  • Understanding, understanding, or having used Storybooks is a plus
  • Understanding or having used Lerna/Nx is a plus
  • Understand or having used/configured bundler (Webpack/Parcel/Vite/Browserify/Rollup) directly is a plus
  • Understand or having used PM2/Nodemon/Gulp/Grunt is a plus
  • Having done frontend development for Webview platform for transaction/data upload is a plus
  • Having done development using Container (Docker) is a plus
  • Have integrity, commendable behavior, work discipline, and able to work under pressure both individually and in a team and can complete work according to target

11. Software Engineer, Backend (Go)

Responsibilities :
  • Build and design the backend system of an application/feature
  • Overcome various bugs and errors that occur in the application from the backend side
  • Applying the principles of appropriate backend development (best practices), stable, and secure
  • Monitoring the performance of existing backend applications
  • Perform maintenance or upgrade of existing backend applications
  • Conduct research, evaluate and analyze technical requirements and design of backend applications
  • Support development cycle (concept, design, test, release, operational)
  • Work with a team to be able to continue to innovate in terms of improving the quality and performance of the application system
  • Collaborate with Infra Team and Technical Team specializing in DevOps, Frontend, QA, as well as System Analyst/Product Manager
  • Contribute to assisting the creation of technical documentation or manuals
Requirements :
  • Minimum S1 qualification, preferably from Computer Science or equivalent
  • Mastering the concept of OOP and/or functional programming
  • Have the ability and accustomed to doing development in the programming language Go
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of background processes, Go Routine, Channel using Go
  • Can integrate/transaction from multiple APIs using Go
  • Can develop using Gin/Echo
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of relational database (MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL) using Go
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of non-relational database (Redis/MongoDB) using Go
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of the Message Queue system (RabbitMQ/Kafka) using Go
  • Familiar with using Code Repository Management such as Git/Gitlab
  • Familiar with using Container (Docker)
  • Good knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems
  • Understand or have used Gitlab CI/CD, or Jenkins is a plus
  • Mastering the concept of modular system architecture, Clean Architecture, or Enterprise Design Pattern is a plus
  • Mastering concepts, basics, and how to use GraphQL/gRPC/Socket.IO is a plus
  • Having done development related to Unit Testing on Go is a plus
  • Having done development related to Cloud systems (AWS/GCP) is a plus
  • Understanding the concept of application system security is a plus
  • Understanding the concept of Big Data is a plus
  • Have integrity, commendable behavior, work discipline, and able to work under pressure both individually and in a team and can complete work according to target

12. Software Engineer, Backend (NodeJs)

Responsibilities :
  • Build and design the backend system of an application/feature
  • Overcome various bugs and errors that occur in the application from the backend side
  • Applying the principles of appropriate backend development (best practices), stable, and secure
  • Monitoring the performance of existing backend applications
  • Perform maintenance or upgrade of existing backend applications
  • Conduct research, evaluate and analyze technical requirements and design of backend applications
  • Support development cycle (concept, design, test, release, operational)
  • Work with a team to be able to continue to innovate in terms of improving the quality and performance of the application system
  • Collaborate with Infra Team and Technical Team specializing in DevOps, Frontend, QA, as well as System Analyst/Product Manager
  • Contribute to assisting the creation of technical documentation or manuals
Requirements :
  • Minimum S1 qualification, preferably from Computer Science or equivalent
  • Mastering the concept of OOP and/or functional programming
  • Understand the concepts, basics, and implementation of the JavaScript programming language in the NodeJS environment
  • Have the ability and familiarity with doing development in JavaScript or TypeScript programming language in NodeJS
  • Can perform integration/transactions of multiple APIs from the NodeJS environment
  • Have the ability to develop using ExpressJS/NestJS/FeatherJS
  • Having the ability to develop using AdonisJS v5 is a plus
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of relational database (MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL) from NodeJS environment
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of non-relational database (Redis/MongoDB) from the NodeJS environment
  • Mastering the concept and implementation of the Message Queue system (RabbitMQ/Kafka) from the NodeJS environment
  • Familiar with using Code Repository Management such as Git/Gitlab
  • Familiar with using Container (Docker)
  • Good knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems
  • Understanding or having used Gitlab CI/CD or Jenkins is a plus
  • Mastering the concept of modular system architecture, Clean Architecture, or Enterprise Design Pattern is a plus
  • Mastering concepts, basics, and how to use GraphQL/gRPC/Socket.IO is a plus
  • Having done development related to Cloud systems (AWS/GCP) is a plus
  • Understanding or having used PM2/Nodemon is a plus
  • Having done development related to Unit Testing with Jest/Mocha/Chai is a plus
  • Understanding the concept of application system security is a plus
  • Understanding the concept of Big Data is a plus
  • Have integrity, commendable behavior, work discipline, and able to work under pressure both individually and in a team and can complete work according to target

13. Infrastructure Engineer

Responsibilities :
  • - Collaborate with other software engineers around patterns and practices for highly available, fault tolerant,and resilient applications.
  • - Modifying and improving existing cloud systems.
  • - Migrating existing system into public or private cloud
  • - Developing and maintaining cloud solutions in accordance with best practices.
  • - Ensure high availability for underlying platforms and infrastructure for application use.
  • - Regularly reviewing existing systems and making recommendations for improvements.
Requirements :
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information technology, or any related engineering field.
  • Having at least 4 years of working in the field of cloud computing preferbly in GCP platform
  • Experienced with cloud migration
  • Experienced with GCP Platform.
  • Experienced with Terraform.
  • Having knowledge of operating system and database management system. Operating systems: Linux. Database: MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB
  • Having a troubleshooting and analytical skills.
  • Having a GCP / Azure/ AWS certifications is preferred.
  • Able to work on excellent process with minimum supervision.
  • Experience developing and operating services for regulated environments
  • Good communication, interpersonal and collaboration skill
  • Self-Starter who is a fast learner of technology and willing to experiment to find the best solutions.
  • Loves challenges, good personality and smart worker

14. Product Manager

Responsibilities :
  • Set the product vision and set success metrics of features in either one of the above product streams. 
  • Collaborate with the engineering team to execute the prioritised roadmap
  • Work with stakeholders (internally within Ministry of Health / externally across other ministries) to determine product requirements, set and track  implementation timelines, and manage expectations on both ends
  • Define and maintain clear and well-scoped requirements documentations that are easily understood by technical and non-technical audiences
  • Participate in user research initiatives with the Design and User Research teams to better understand customer concerns and provide effective solutions
Requirements :
  • A Bachelor’s / Master’s degree, or equivalent experience 
  • At least 2 years of experience working as a product manager. 
  • At least 4 years of experience working as a product manager to be considered a senior role. 
  • Experience working on a building product from scratch is a plus
  • Experience working with internal cross-functional teams and external stakeholders
  • Experience working on healthcare products is a plus
  • Strong problem-solving skills and a data-oriented mindset in order to understand various happenings and define & measure success on every project
  • Ability to work with agile product development teams; genuinely excited about identifying new ways to boost team effectiveness and synergy 

15. Product Research

Responsibilities :
  • Work closely and under the supervision of a Product Manager, and follow the predefined process set by the team
  •  Independently manage end-to-end research projects from scoping work, advising on suitable methodologies, designing and executing research plans, and reporting to the stakeholders
  • Advocate consumer-centric mindset and metrics to their stakeholders through persuasion, influence and inclusion to deliver insights that would inspire and spark actions
  • Engage with key internal and external stakeholders to fine-tune methodology and results
Requirements :
  • At least 2 year of experience or more in the field of UX research, digital product development, and/or product analytics
  • Basic to intermediate xperience and knowledge with qualitative methods, including: in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, concept testing, moderated & unmoderated usability testing, heuristics evaluation
  • Basic to intermediate understanding with some quantitative and analytics methods, including one of the following: customer segmentation, funnel analysis, data analysis, and triangulation
  • Able to design, execute, and analyze user research independently from start to finish
  • Understanding in product management, design strategy, data, design, operations, marketing and branding processes and able to collaborate effectively with those teams- Able to communicate and influence different levels of stakeholders and users in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and verbal) 

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Hati-hati terhadap PENIPUAN!!! Proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Jika ada pihak yang meminta sejumlah uang dengan mengatasnamakan instansi/perusahaan maupun penyedia lowongan kerja lainnya, sudah dipastikan bahwa itu PENIPUAN!!!